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Croft seeds

2 Packs - Tortoise Food Mix - Grow Your Own Tortoise Mix Seeds

2 Packs - Tortoise Food Mix - Grow Your Own Tortoise Mix Seeds

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A mix of 21 wild species all suitable to grow as tortoise food. Can either be sown outside or sown into trays inside. When sowing inside, leaving a gap of about 3 weeks between subsequent sowings ensures fresh plants are available through the season.

Mix is 100% Wildflower seeds. -

Capsella bursa-pastoris - Shepherd's Purse 4% Cichorium intybus - Chicory 8% Convulvus arvensis - Field Bindweed 7% Hypochaeris radicata - Common Catsear 2% Lapsana communis - Nipplewort 3% Leontodon autumnalis - Autumn Hawkbit 2% Leontodon hispidus - Rough Hawkbit 2% Malva moschata - Musk Mallow 4% Malva sylvestris - Common Mallow 4% Onobrychis viciifolia - Sainfoin 8% Plantago lanceolata - Ribwort Plantain 8% Plantago major - Greater Plantain 4% Plantago media - Hoary Plantain 4% Sisymbrium officinale - Hedge Mustard 5% Sonchus arvensis - Corn Sowthistle 4% Sonchus oleraceus - Smooth Sowthistle 5% Taraxacum officinale - Dandelion 6% Trifolium pratense - Red Clover 5% Trifolium repens - White Clover 5% Vicia cracca - Tufted Vetch 3% Vicia sativa - Common Vetch 7%

2 packs - Qty in each pack - 2 grams

Grow your own tortoise food ! living food
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