

Of course, with the spring comes the weeds and so it is essential that every gardener keeps a sharp eye out as the weed seeds germinate and make sure that they are dealt with while they are small. While the beds are empty, plans can be made for summer colour and March is the perfect month to sow hardy annuals where they are to flower if you live in a mild area of the country. If you are further north or your garden in very exposed, you may want to start them off planted thinly in seed trays, pots or fibre modules which you can then plant out directly later. To get a natural look, mark out an area on the flower bed and broadcast the seed over. You can either sow each variety one by one, or mix all of the seeds in a container and sow them together. This needs a little experience, as the plants need to be chosen so that one does not dominate. If you are new to herbaceous border gardening, there are many mixtures you can buy where the choice has been made for you. You may have to transplant the seedlings later to make the mix look more even, but a natural look would also work well.


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