On the vegetable plot

On the vegetable plot

Vegetable gardening really gathers momentum in March, with many early varieties being ready for sowing now. Early varieties can be sown where they are to grow, such as broad beans and peas if the weather is reasonably mild and not too wet. Onion sets, shallots and early potatoes can be planted. If you are using potato bags or patio planters, you can stagger the planting through the month, to give a small amount of lovely tiny new potatoes before they are in the shops. If the only vegetable you have room for is a few bags of potatoes, then go for it. The difference between shop bought and home grown is probably post noticeable with potatoes than any other crop. If you don’t have a vegetable plot, many can be grown in large containers. Although large crops are less likely this way, it does make it easier to sow in batches, so you always have lovely young vegetables coming along. If you have a greenhouse or conservatory or even a cool windowsill, runner beans can be started off indoors.
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